Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Why is the Bible so complicated?

Gallup poll tells us that 52% of Americans claim some form of Christianity. Yet only one of five Americans read their Bible. Of the ones that read their Bible, 50% state they only read it a few times a year. That means only five percent of those claiming Christianity read their Bible regularly. One cause is they see the Bible as too complicated. Why would God make the Bible so complicated that people will not read it?

Part of the problem is not the Bible at all. Part of the issue is the traits that prosperity has brought the United States. Consider just a couple of these:

United States has become addicted to instant gratification. Consider the fitness industry. Fitness equipment industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. Each new piece of equipment promises to get us in shape with little effort. Yet, more Americans are obese then ever before. We want someone else to do the work for us. We would rather trust what a preacher, pastor, priest tells us then search out the answers for ourselves. These habits are robbing us of the pearls in the word of God.

United States is addicted to taking shortcuts. We do not even write letters to each other anymore. We use cell phones to send short messages via text. Even then, we cannot even be bothered to write out our thoughts. We invented a whole language based on shorthand. Cliff notes created a cottage industry on keeping students from needing to read a whole assignment. These are just a few examples.

These traits are leading us to abandon the Bible. It is causing us to turn to any so-called preacher that promises to show us the way. Instead of using God’s blessings as a measure of success in our lives, we are using how church makes us feel. For many, walking into a building on Sunday and getting the same feeling from the 10 piece band as a rock concert passes for religion.

True religion is more than simply feeling good in a building. True religion is measured by the changes that are evident within our lives. How many people attend “church” but yet go home and beat their wives? How many listen to a rock band on Sunday morning but then get into drunken driving accidents before Monday morning? Consider what God really meant the Bible to do.

Bible is meant to create a desire for God in us. God made his creation in his own image. He could have made us to simply follow him. However, God chose to give us free will. God wants us to follow him because we want to. Anyone can sit in a building in Sunday and listen to a sermon. However, desiring to follow the will of God is the trait that causes us to apply it to our lives. Desire lays the foundation of our faith.

Bible prepares us to receive God’s gifts in our lives. God wants us to appreciate the gifts he gives us. Have you ever bought your child a toy only to have him destroy it within an hour? If you require your child to work for the money, to buy the toy, then does he treat it differently? God realizes that his children, of all ages, act the same way. If we are required to have some sweat equity in our faith then we appreciate the gifts God gives us.

Bible is meant to cause a change in us. God does not give us commandments or examples simply to play games with us. Every commandment, every example causes a change within us. Consider the example of cultivating an attitude of humility.

An attitude of humility requires us to realize that we have no control in this life. Once we realize that we really cannot control the world around us then we are ready to accept God. Only then are we ready to accept a higher authority. When we accept that God is there then we can start to build our faith. Only with proper humility are we able to completely turn our problems over to God.

Turning our problems over to God provides us with peace. Have you ever been with a child who is afraid of the dark? When they go to sleep they are afraid of what is in the dark. Notice how their attitude changes when you sit beside them, until they go to sleep. They trust that we can protect them. This trust gives them the peace to go to sleep. It is no different with our adult problems. Once we turn them over to our father then we should be able to sleep with the same trust as our children.

Humility is only one example. Every time we ingrain a commandment of God into our lives then we experience a similar progression. Take a moment and consider how following some of God’s other examples changes us. How does giving of our time and money change us? How does going to church change us? Every lesson in the Bible can cause a change in us.

Bible helps us to avoid consequences. God does not warn of to avoid sin simply because he wants to test our will. God does not play games with his creation. Every commandment, every example that God gives us is meant to keep us away from the consequences of sin. If we follow God’s commandments and examples then it will cause changes in us. These changes will help keep us from the consequences of sin.

Bible helps us to maximize God’s ability to work in our lives. James tells us that God tests the faith of his children. He does not do so because he is some supernatural trickster. God test us because he needs us to cultivate the spiritual maturity to carry out his plan for us. Studying the Bible provides the seeds of spiritual maturity. Spiritual mature gives God the clay to mold us into the Christians that he wants us to be.

Complication itself is part of God’s plan. God knows that we are a people prone to boredom. Once we figure something out then we move on to something else. Bible was put together in such a way to avoid this. We could study the Bible for years and never uncover all of its wisdom. However, the destination is not the point. During our Bible studies we will find the answers to whatever problem facing us. We will find strength to carry on. We will find guidance to lead the world around us.

Do not mourn the fact that the Bible takes study to understand. Realize that everything God does is part of his plan. Rejoice that he gave us such a book that can answer any situation we are facing. Realize that studying the Bible is the seed of greater things to come in our lives. Does that change the way you see the Bible? Does it make you want to spend some time with it today? I know for me it does. If you want to fulfill God’s plan for your life then you are going to need to spend some time with him. I urge you to spend just a few minutes each day with the Bible. You will be surprised the change it can make in our life.You can view more about church of Christ beliefs here.